App for driver - devices to be used with the app

Please note: Below are examples of devices and descriptions.  Devices that your company is using will depend on the features purchased.  

device list

  • iPad: The iPad provides the Graphical User Interface for drivers. This provides clear, colourful and intuitive instruction to the drivers on all aspects of the transportme™ system including route, ticketing and bus and passenger positioning.
  • Pin Code Generator: This device is located at the end of the bus and the drivers are required to walk to the rear to retrieve a generated PIN code to end the routes or end their shifts.
  • Pax A920 Validator:  This device provides the full suite of ticketing options including the ability to read any Smartcard or credit card, as well as issuing printed tickets if required. Installation of the device is plug and play and powered via USB cable. The Pax A920 also has a significant battery life of around 6 hours. However, as with other devices, transportme™ recommends that the device be hardwired directly into the bus to ensure continuous power even when the bus ignition/isolation switches have been turned off. While using the device for Tap & Pay feature, please ensure that the driver does not drive to the next stop before payment has been processed on the iPad.
  • ACR 1255U Smartcard Reader:  This device is alternative to the Pax A920 Smartcard Reader when the bus operator does not need the functionality to read credit cards or to print paper tickets.
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