App for driver - adding fuel fill data for the vehicle

Fuel Fill feature allows the driver to
  • add fuel fill entry for the vehicle.
  • view the fuel fill history of the vehicle. 
  • Login to the Transportme™ Operatorapp or QLDSchoolBus app or TfNSW Driver app.
  • Check Pre-departure check, define Bus Damage, enter Fault Message if these functions are available. 
  • Driver can enter Fuel Fill entry by 2 different ways: 
    • Option 1: At main screen, select Fuel Fill tab then select Add Fuel Fill Entry button. 

    fuel fill entry at main screen

    • Option 2: At trip screen - a screen appears after a route is started, select More tab on then select Fuel Fill button.  

    fuel fill from trip screen

  • Enter fuel fill data to Add Fuel Fill Entry
    • Amount of Fuel in Litres: enter the number of litres, the number can be 2 decimal places (ie 90.40).
    • Odometer Number: enter the odometer reading at the time fuel fill. 
    • Fuel type: select the correct fuel type from the drop down list if the company has enabled this feature. Note: list of fuel type is created by the operator. 
  • Select Add button to save the entry or select Cancel to close this screen without saving the entry. 
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