App for driver - change a driver mid route

There is ability to change a driver in the middle of a running route. Please note that this feature is only available when your operator paid for Change Driver module.

What happens when changing a driver in the mid route on the app? 
  • When the current driver select the button to swap his shift with another driver, the current driver's shift is ended and the new driver will start his shift at that swapping moment. 
  • An end of shift printout is printed for the current driver. 
  • The new driver continues to operate the current route from the current stop. 
  • When the new driver end the route - end of route printout is printed with all the tickets sold on the route. 
What happens when changing a driver in the mid route in the report run from the operator portal? 
  • In the reports, the last driver is shown.
How to change a driver mid route? 
  • On the trip screen, select More button located at the right corner of the app screen.

more button screenshot 

  • Select Change Driver button from the popup screen.

change driver button screenshot

  • Login with the new driver's Username and Password > provide the correct Odometer number > select Done button 

    driver login screenshot

    • End of shift printout will be printed with the shift summary of the current driver. 
    • The current driver will be logged out. 
  • Select OK button on Change driver successfully popup.  

confirmation popup screenshot

  • New driver continue the route from where it is. When ending the route, end of route printout will be printed with the summary of ticket sold for each driver. Example as following.

end of route screenshot

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