App for driver - ENS PAX A920 Cradle setup

When you receive your ENS Pax cradle(s) there is some key steps to follow to attach to the Transportme side arm bracket to the cradle, these are the tools/equipment required or purchased separately.
  • ENS cradle packet
  • Transportme side arm bracket 
  • purchase from hardware or bolt supplier (size is M3 x 8mm; allen key head; number required 3x screws)
  • small allen key/ suitable allen key head drill bit
  • please note- the screws that are removed from the ENS cradle should not be reused to attach the Transportme side arm bracket.  They are suitable for plastic only.
  • Pax A920 device, Transportme ipad case and Transportme side arm bracket all sold separately.

The ENS cradle will come in this packaging

ENS cradle

Remove all items in packaging

  • ENS cradle
  • plastic snap lock bag containing  2x cord management screws and 2x cord management clips
  • ENS product information

ENS cradle

Picture of backing plate ENS cradle

Unscrew these 3 screws with the allen key or carefully with drill and suitable allen key head drill bit.  Keep the backing plate for potential future use.

ENS cradle

Picture below shows plastic backing plate removed.

On one end of the Transportme side arm bracket, you will see 3 holes.  This is where the ENS cradle will screw into.

ENS cradle

Attach the Transportme side arm bracket to the ENS cradle using 3x M3 screws. 

ENS cradleUse the 4 holes at the other end of the Transportme side arm bracket to screw into the Transportme Ipad case and ram mounts (optional) that you  have purchased.  

The ENS cradle will hold your Pax A920 securely, please pull on the silver plunger on the top right hand side to allow the metal strap to be rotated.  The metal strap should be in its forward most position to securely hold the Pax A920 in the cradle.

It is recommended to use the cord management clips for your A920 pax device.  Place your A920 pax device cord into the cord management clip before you screw in the clip.  Screw the clip into the left hand side of the ENS cradle.  Keep the remaining cord management clip and screw as a spare.

ENS cradle

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