Job card status

This feature is available if your company has purchased the Transportme Vehicle Maintenance module

Job cards have 6 statuses which are managed by the Operator the colours of these statuses can be customised in the settings section of TVM;

NEW - The job card is UN-Scheduled and Un-allocated, the Jobcard will sit in the UN-SCHEDULED section of the service calendar ready to be allocated to a mechanic.

BOOKED - The job card is now assigned to a mechanic in the Scheduled section of the Calendar.

AWAITING PARTS - This status is for when a job has been started, but can not be completed because parts are required, the Operator has the option to move jobs out of the scheduled section of the calendar into the awaiting parts section to be re-allocated at a later date.

IN PROGRESS - When an Operator deems a job to have been commenced, the job is set to the In progress status

COMPLETE - When an Operator deems a job to be completed, the Job card is set to a status of complete, this completes the life cycle of a service and commits the service data against the vehicles profile. Note once a job card is complete, it cannot have it's status changed anymore

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