Create Shift

This feature is available if your company has purchased the Shifts, Rosters and Charters module

To create a SHIFT Navigate to the menu SCR > Shifts


  • Shift ID - This is identifier of the shift that will be visible throughout the SCR module.
  • Effective From/To - This will determine if this shift is visible when creating rosters
  • Day of Operation - This will determine if the shift is operating on the stated day of the week and will be reflected in Rosters
  • Routes - Add the routes that this shift will operate, this will reflect on the driver application.

  • Work Block Preview - As you enter your hours of Operation the system will generate a work block preview so you can see how this shift block will look in Despatch
  • Hours of Operation - Enter the hours of operation for the shift, the description column is free text and can be edited how you please. This list will be populated on both the driver app and the driver duty report, as well as the shift table in despatch. You can be as descripted or as simple as you like in this space.
  • Route Start - The Route Start event will effect only the Driver app, it will be used for the driver to start the assigned route as per the shift setup.
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