Create and Manage Rosters

This feature is available if your company has purchased the Shifts, Rosters and Charters module

To create a Roster navigate to the Rosters page.


Once you are in the Roster screen, fill out the parameters of the Roster:

Name - This is what the Roster will be named for use in the Operations Calendar

Description - Field used for reporting / exporting purposes.

Effective From / To - This will determine the availability of this Roster when applying it to Operational period in the Operations Calendar.

Adding Shifts to Drivers within the Roster

Assign Shift to Driver - Press the Transfer & Remove button and select which driver to assign the shift to. The shift will be assigned to the driver for  the entire roster period following the parameters of the shift setup. For example, if the shift was setup to Operator on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, it will be assigned to the selected driver for each respective day in the effective range of the Roster.

Transfer a portion of a shift to another driver - If you want to remove a single shift block from one driver and assign it to another, simply right click the shift block and Transfer it to another driver, the individual shift block will be moved to the selected driver. All other shifts will remain for the original driver.

Remove a portion of a shift to Available Shifts - This is done in the same way, simply select Remove and the individual shift block will be moved to Avail ale shifts. Note that the shift is described as a single date shift and the date is displayed.

Include Shifts as Un-allocated or Open in the Roster - If a shift cannot be assigned to a Driver within the roster, but you want to ensure the shift is included in the daily despatch to be assigned to a relief driver when the time comes, toggle the shift to be included in OPEN, note all shifts can be toggled in one go if the user pleases.

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