Despatch Screen

This feature is available if your company has purchased the Shifts, Rosters and Charters module

Operating the Despatch Screen

The Despatch  screen is opened by clicking on a date in the Operations Calendar

Once opened, you will see all Work blocks both assigned to drivers and un-assigned in the Unscheduled section.

Assigning a work block to a driver - Right click the work block, and press Transfer & Remove then select the driver you wish to assign the work block to.

Transferring a work block from one driver to another - As above

Removing a work block from a Driver - Right click the work block and press Transfer & Remove then select, then select Remove. The work block will be placed back into the Unscheduled section.

Assigning a vehicle(s) to Work blocks

The coloured line underneath the work block represents vehicle assignment. To assign a vehicle to a work block, left click on the vehicle line and select when you want to assign the vehicle to. You can assign the vehicle for the entire block, or up to any time interval within the block. For example, you may want to assign a vehicle for half the work block, and another vehicle for the other half.

When a vehicle is assigned, the line will change colour to YELLOW indicating that a vehicle is assigned for that period of time. You can hover over the line to see the vehicle assignments.

A broken grey line indicates a non-driving period of time, vehicles cannot be assigned to non-driving periods.

Driver Report & Despatch Notifications

You can send notifications via email or SMS to drivers by pressing the BELL. You will be asked which drivers to send notifications to. These notifications will use the Driver Despatch notification template which can be modified.

Duty Report's can be printed by pressing the Driver Report button. You will be asked which drivers to generate the report for. The report is a PDF document that displays the drivers work for the entire day.

View Ports

Users can adjust the View Ports by clicking in the View Ports window, this will increase or decrease the visual time span on the Despatch screen. For example, if a user views the screen in 36 Hour view ports, they will be able to see into the next Despatch Date.

Despatch Visibility Icon

The EYE icon on the Despatch screen indicates weather this Despatch dates information is visible to the drivers in the driver portal. Users can toggle a Despatch dates visibility by pressing the EYE.

Show Quotes

When the show quotes toggle is on, users will see any Charter Trips that are in a status of QUOTE and can assign them in a preview mode. Assignment will NOT be saved, this is designed to allow the user to see if they have availability for Charter Trips that are still in a status of QUOTE before confirming them.

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