Create a Charter and Trips
This feature is available if your company has purchased the Shifts, Rosters and Charters module | ||
Navigate to Charters and select ADD CHARTER
STATUS - By default a charter is created as QUOTE. Status is used to maintain the status of the charter booking. Once a charter is in a status of BOOKED all associated trips will appear in Despatch to be allocated.
REPORT CODE - Select a report code, this can be used to filter charters in reports or exports.
CUSTOMER - Select a customer, customers must first be created in CUSTOMERS
CONTACT NUMBER - Contact number will default to whichever contact name is selected.
CONTACT NAME - Select a contact name, the list is populated from all the customer contacts within the customer profile
EMAIL - Email will be selected based on the chosen contact name.
DESCRIPTION - Enter a description for the charter.
Creating a TRIP
Once the main charter information has been created, it's time to add a trip. A Charter can have multiple trips assigned to it.
Contact information & Charter / Trip Codes - These are pre populated based on the Charter information.
PAX - Select how many passengers this TRIP is transporting.
AMOUNT OF VEHICLES REQUIRED - Select the amount of vehicles required, this will determine how many work blocks appear in despatch to be allocated to drivers. Example below shows 2 vehicles.
BUSES - Determined by the amount of vehicles selected, the user can add any vehicle requirements and also pre-assign a vehicle if they know which vehicle is operating the trip(s).
WORKBLOCK PREVIEW - As the user enters TRIP DETAILS a work block preview will be generated to assist is seeing how the work block will appear in despatch.
Users enter the trip information here, the trip details section utilises google API searching for pick ups / destinations. All information can be edited after google assumes this information.
DEAD FLAG - A user can create a dead running portion of a trip, these portions will NOT be shown to the customer, however they will be shown to the driver.