Create Pre-departure and End of Shift checks

This feature is available if your company has purchased the Pre-departure and End of shifts  module.
This is a standard feature for Queensland School Ticketing (QST).

Driver Compliance feature allows operator to create or update Pre-Departure Checks and End of Shift Checks.
  • Login to Transportme™ Operator portal.
  • Select Driver Compliance tab on the main menu bar. 
  • Select Pre-Departure Checks to create checks that are required before the drivers can start any routes or select End of Shift Checks that are required before the drivers can end their shift. 
  • Select + New Check button to create new check. 
    • Without 2nd level checks: enter Check Name into the field. This name will be shown on the Driver app for the driver to check. 
    • With 2nd level checks: 
      • Enter Check Name into the field. This name will be shown on the Driver app for the driver to check. 
      • Select parent check from the drop down list if you wanted this check to become the child check (optional).

    new parent - child check screenshot

  • Select Save button to save new check.


  • Driver Compliance is an optional module, the operator can only access this module if it is turned on. 
  • 2nd level checks: creating 2nd level checks or parent - child check is an optional module, the operator can only adding child checks to parent checks if this module is turned on. 
  • Pre-Departure Checks and End of Shift Checks are only shown on the Driver app if they are turned on from the Operator Portal. Select and turn on the toggle to show the checks on the Driver app.

turn on checks on driver app screenshot

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