Check Fault messages

The operators have the ability to view all fault messages reported by drivers via the Transportme™ Driver app, QLDSchoolBus app, or TfNSW Driver app (driver app) during the pre-departure check or end-of-shift check process. 
Please note that the  Predeparture/EOS/Fit4Work Ability module is required to have this feature available on your operator portal.

Reference steps to view all the fault messages: 

  • Login to Transportme™, QST, or TfNSW operator portal. 
  • Navigate to Message in the top menu. 
  • Select Fault Message from the left menu.
  • Locate the message you wish to review using the Search box. 
  • In the fault message list: 
    • Messages sent during the pre-departure check process at login time will start with the prefix PDC.
    • Messages sent during the logging out process will start with the prefix EOS.
    • The Bus Number and Created by columns show the bus number of the driver who sent the message. 
  • Fault message list can be exported to different formats:  
    • Copy: save the report to the clipboard then you can paste the data to your document or spreadsheet, etc. 
    • CSV/Excel or Export CSV: export the data to corresponding format to your local storage for further use. 
    • Print: print out the data. 
  • Example of the Fault Message page: 
    • Transportme™ and TfNSW operator portal
    • TME fault message screenshot
    • QST operator portal
    • QST fault message screenshot

Reference knowledge base article on how to send a fault message from the driver app can be found here.

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