Fuel sheet

Fuel sheets are used to record fuel usage from vehicles. A fuel sheet is needed for each tank and each refuel date

To create a fuel sheet navigate to the Fuel sheet page

Create a fuel sheet by pressing the ADD FUEL SHEET button

Enter the details of the fuel sheet

Refuel date - Default to the current date

Tank -  Select which fuel tank the fuel will come from

Fuel type - Will populate based on tank selection

Description - Add a description, for example "Monday night fuel" will be used for future reporting purposes

Fuel sheet header note - Add a header note to the fuel sheet, will be used for reporting purposes and filtering

Fuel usage - A running tally of how much fuel was used during this fuel sheets fill

Total vehicles - A running tally of how many vehicles are on this fuel sheet

Checked by - When selected, records the user who checked the fuel sheet

Add line - Add a fuel entry for a vehicle directly from the fuel sheet - See how here

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