Calibrate Route Guidance

This feature is available if your company has purchased the Route Guidance module

To create a Route Guidance Line that Drivers can be guided along via the Driver app you will first need to enable Route Guidance in the Route setup. To do this:

1. Navigate to the Route

2. Press the EDIT button

3. Toggle on  Route Guidance

Once this is done, you can now calibrate the Route Guidance Line. This is done by pressing the Route Guidance Design Map button

Before creating your Route Guidance Line, you must understand how the system functions so please read the instructions on the design map carefully.

Guidance will start from the First Stop to Last Stop via way points. Ensure way points are placed after the first stop in the direction of travel on the route.

This is an example of a waypoint being placed correctly after the first stop in the list.

In this example, guidance will begin from the first stop and incorrectly guide the driver backward to the first waypoint.

TransportMe recommends to ensure that the point of origin (depot) is a defined first stop in routes to ensure guidance functions to it's fullest capabilities. 

Follow the instructions provided in the Guidance Designs screen to calibrate your Route Guidance line

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