Usage Report - Route Guidance

This feature is available if your company has purchased the Route Guidance module

The Useage Report for Route Guidance will provide the operator with a breakdown of all uses of the Route Guidance service.

Defining a use

A use is when a driver opens Route Guidance by pressing More > Route Guidance Operators are only charged once per month, per unique vehicle usage.

For example.

An Operator has 30 buses. ALL 30 buses have the ability to use Route Guidance. The Operator is only charged the monthly fee per vehicle when the iPad uses Route Guidance, and is only charged once per vehicle, per month.

In the above example, if the monthly usage fee is $10.00 per month, the Operator will only be charged a maximum of $300.00 per month if all vehicles had at least 1 use of Route Guidance for the period. However, if only one vehicle used Route Guidance, even if that vehicle used it 1000 times, the Operator would only be charged $10.00.

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