Portal Sync: Routes

Routes can be exported for review or managed in bulk by adding, updating, or deleting them. Follow these steps:

  1. Enable Import Options
    • Turn on the Show button import toggle.
    • Click the IMPORT ROUTES button.
  2. Download the File
    • BLANK FILE: Use this template to add new routes.
    • ROUTE LIST: Contains all active routes in the system for review, updating, or deletion.
  3. Review Rules & Prepare Data
    • Refer to the rules in the following tables before making changes.
  4. Upload the File
    • Ensure the data is correctly formatted and required before uploading.
  5. Select the Desired Action
    • Choose ADD, UPDATE, or REMOVE based on your intended changes.


TME Field





for Updating/Removing
Number Is prohibited for Adding
Adding: Must NOT be present. It will be auto-generated by the system.
Updated or Removing: Must be present. To obtain the Id, select the ROUTES LIST button to download the route.
name Route Name Yes Text Unique in file and system.
Must not exceed 100 characters.
route_description Route Description for Reporting Text Must not exceed 255 characters.
route_category_id Yes Number Must be a valid numeric ID. The route_category_id must be a valid number that corresponds to an active Route Category. To find the correct route_category_id, go to the Routes | Route Category section. The first column, labeled #, in the list of route categories displays the route_category_id.
departing_stop Yes Number Must be a valid numeric ID. The departing_stop must be a valid, active Stop ID. To find the correct departing_stop, go to the Stops > select Imports button > download STOPS LIST. The Stop ID is in the first column.
is_manual Number Must be a number. Eg: 0
speed_limit Speed Limit Yes Number Must be a number. Maximum speed limit on the route.
deboarding_alert Deboarding Alert Yes Number Must be 0 or 1. 1: selected0: not selected
use_zone_ability Use Zone Abillity Yes Number Must be 0 or 1. 1: selected0: not selected
can_be_tracked Trackable in Passenger App Yes Number Must be 0 or 1. 1: selected0: not selected
pax_count_ability Pax Count Ability Yes Number Must be 0 or 1. 1: selected0: not select
departing_zone_id Yes Number Must be a valid numeric ID. The departing_zone_id must be a valid, active Zone ID. To find the correct departing_zone_id, go to the Zones > select Imports button > download ZONES LIST. The Zone ID is in the first column.
on_time_running_check On Time Running Yes Number Must be 0 or 1 1: selected0: not select
midpoint Yes Number Must be 0 or 1 1: selected to set Departing Stop as Mid Point0: not select
planned_trip_per_day Planned Timetabled Trips Per Day Number Must be a number.
route_number Route Name/Number Yes Text Must not exceed 255 characters. Contract or internal route number. Set to 0 otherwise.
print_out_end_of_route_report Print out end of route report Yes Number Must be 0 or 1 1: selected0: not select
loop_service Yes Number Must be 0 or 1 1: selected0: not select
number_of_route_loop Number Must be a number.
planned_kms Planned Kms Number Must be a number.
route_type Route Type Yes Number Must be 0, 1, 2 0: DEFAULT 1: B2 - dedicated school route2: B1 - planned timetabled route

3: B3 - regional refresh

dead_running_kms Dead Running Kms Number Must be a number.
timetabled_service_check Yes Number Must be 0 or 1
special_route_type Passenger List Type Yes Number Must be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 0: ROUTE_TYPE_DEFAULT1: ROUTE_TYPE_PASSENGER_LIST_AM 2: ROUTE_TYPE_PASSENGER_LIST_PM




m_f_term Trips Per Day M-F Term Yes Number Must be a number.
m_f_hol Trips Per Day M-F Hols Yes Number Must be a number.
sat Trips Per Day Sat Yes Number Must be a number.
sun Trips Per Day Sun Yes Number Must be a number.
ph Trips Per Day Public Hol Yes Number Must be a number.
activation_time hh:mm Must match format H:i. Example: 15:25
late_sign_on Must be a number.
smartcard_check Yes Number Must be 0, or 1 1: selected0: not select
on_demand_service The route is on demand service? Yes Number Must be 0, or 1 1: selected0: not select
line_shape Number Must be a number.
contract_number_id Number Must be a valid ID. The contract_number_id must be a valid, active Contract Number ID. To find the correct contract_number_id, go to the Settings > Reference Data. The contract_number_id is in the first column.
clear_of_bus Clear of Bus Check Number Must be 0, or 1 1: selected0: not select
second_code_check 2nd Code Check Number Must be 0, or 1 1: selected0: not select
end_route_time End Route Time hh:mm:ss Must match the format H:i:s. Example: 14:30:00
contract Text Must not be greater than 200 characters.
pax_app_show_pax_count Pax App - Show pax count Number Must be 0, or 1 1: selected0: not select
disable_stop_late_arrival_notification Disable stop late arrival notification Number Must be 0, or 1 1: selected0: not select
ticket_format Ticket format Yes Text Must be tme, or vline
status_gps_navigation_line Number Must be 0, or 1
enable_on_public_tracking_page Number Must be 0, or 1
is_route_guidance_enable Route Guidance Number Must be 0, or 1
imported_from_todis Imported from TODIS Number Must be 0, or 1 1: selected0: not select
status Number Must be 0, or 1 1: Stop is active0: Stop is soft deleted and archived 
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