Portal Sync: Tickets


TME Field





id ONLY Yes for Updating/Removing Number Is prohibited for Adding Adding: Must NOT be present. It will be auto-generated by the system.
Updated or Removing: Must be present. To obtain the Id, select the TICKETS LIST button to download the ticket list
name Ticket Type Name Yes Text Must not be greater than 100 characters. Name of the ticket.
display_name Display Name Yes Text Must not be greater than 100 characters. The ticket name displayed in the Driver App
ticket_price_type_id Number Must be a number. 1: Flat Rate2: Price per Section 9: Manual Price
no_section Number of Section YES when ticket_price_type_idn = 2 Number Must be at least 0.
is_daily Is Daily? Number Must be 0, or 1 1: true - ticket is valid on the date of purchase0: false
is_reboard Number Must be 0, or 1 1: true - the ticket is valid for reboarding.0: false
is_printable Is printable? Number Must be 0, or 1 1: true - the ticket can be printed out on the Driver App0: false
is_weekly Is Multi Day? Number Must be 0, or 1 1: true - the ticket is valid for multiple days.0: false
valid_days [Enter Ticket Validity Days] Required when is_weekly = 1 Number Must be at least 0. Number of days the ticket is valid for.
is_multi_trip Is Multi Trip? Number Must be 0, or 1 1: true - the ticket is valid for multiple trips. 2: false
valid_trips [Enter Trips] Required when is_multi_trip = 1 Number Must be at least 0. Number of trips ticket is valid for.
for_tfnsw_report Ticket Type for TfNSW Reporting Number Must be number between 0 and 8. 0: None1: Adult Pax 2: Concession Pax


4: Non Fare Paying Pax

5: School Term Pass

6: Red reboard

7: SSTS Eligible

8: SSTS Zero Only

for_tfnsw_report_type Select TfNSW Reporting Type Number Must be 0, or 1 0: Non Daily1: Daily
status_demand_type Must be a number.Must be between 0 and 1. Is the ticket valid for status demand.
on_demand_payment_type On demand payment type Text Choose one from: CREDIT_CARD, CASH, PAYPAL, PROMO, OPALPAY, OTHER
declaration_worksheet Ticket Type For Worksheet Declaration Number Must be a number. Choose one from:0: NONE1: ADULT






7: VIP

8: TPI

99: Other

hide_in_app Hide from app? Number Must be 0, or 1 1: true - hide the ticket from the Driver App0: false
commodity_id Number Must be at least 0.Must be a valid ID. Enter 0 or the id of an existing Commodity Code.The ID of the commodity code.The commodity_id must be a valid, active commodity code ID. To find the correct commodity_id, go to the Settings > PTB Report > select Commodity Code tab. The commodity_id is in the first column, labeled id
is_for_id_check For ID check? Number Must be 0, or 1 1: true - the ticket is valid for an id check.
expiry_second Number Must be at least 0. Ticket expiration time in seconds.
is_round_up_to_nearest_hour Is round up to nearest hour Number Must be 0, or 1 1: true - the ticket's expiration time will be rounded to the nearest hour.
status Number Must be 0, or 1 1: Ticket is active0: Ticket is soft deleted and archived 
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