Driver app transaction screen options

Some of theses screens are available if your company has paid for Smartcards and Smartcard manifest or Passenger List feature.

When creating a route, these are the options available for the transaction screen for the Transportme™ driver app or QLDSchoolBus driver app. 

driver app screen options

1. Default - Allows Driver to sell paper tick, cash or credit card and smart card transactions. More information about this transaction screen can be found here

default driver app screen

2. Passenger List (optional feature)allows the operator to set passengers to boarding and de-boarding stops- This passenger  information then shows on the Driver app transaction screen – allowing the driver to check the passengers on as they board the bus (and reverse when alighting).

passenger list driver app screen

3.  Smart card manifest (optional feature) - **Smart card system must also have been optioned.** Operators can add students to routes and stops, and as the bus enters into the geofence of the student’s stop - their name will appear on the Driver Screen. The student can then tap on as normal with their smartcard to be added onto the bus and to be charged a fare if eligible.  The student can also tap off at their end destination as normal also.

Manifest screen

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