View bus details

Please note: A Bus must be created prior to this step.

For Transportme™ and Rural & Regional NSW operators

  • Login to the operator portal.
  • bus screenshot
  • Select Buses tab 
  • Use Search box to locate the bus. 
  • Locate the bus you wanted to view details, then select Detail button in Detail column. 
  • On the bus detail screen, select one of following tabs:  bus information screen shot
    • Bus Use (last 100 entries): shows the data of the last 100 trips that the bus has completed. The data shown is driver name, route name and the travel date. 
    • bus use screenshot
    • Fuel fill information: shows historical fuel fill data of the bus. The data shown is fuel fill date and fuel amount. 
    • fuel fill screenshot
    • On Bus Use or Fuel Fill Information result screen:  action button screenshot
      • Select different options to save the report
        • Copy: save the report to the clipboard then you can paste the data to your document or spreadsheet, etc. 
        • CSV/Excel/PDF: export the data to corresponding format to your local storage for further use. 
        • Print: print out the data. 
      • Locate data by using Search box.
      • Sort data by selecting up/down arrow button on the right of the column headers.

For Queensland School Ticketing operators

  • Login to QST operator portal. 
  • Select Buses menu 
  • Locate the bus you wanted to view details using search box, then select eye icon button in Actions column. 
  • bus detail QST screenshot
  • On the bus detail screen, select one of following tabs: 
    • Bus Use (last 100 entries): shows the data of the last 100 trips that the bus has completed. The data shown is driver name, route name and the travel date. 
    • Fuel fill information: shows historical fuel fill data of the bus. The data shown is fuel fill date and fuel amount. 
  • bus details QST screenshot
  • Locate the bus you want to view details for using the search box. 
  • Save the data into a CSV file in your local storage by using the Export CSV button
  • To sort the data, either select the column headers or use the up and down arrow button next to column header. 
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