Edit a vehicle handbook

This feature is available if your company has subscribed to the Handbook feature.
  • Login to Transportme™ Operator portal.
  • Select the Handbooks tab.handbooks tab
  • Select Vehicle Handbook tab.vehicle handbook tab
  • Use Search bar to locate the vehicle handbook to edit.search bar
  • Locate the handbook then click the pen icon in Action column to open Vehicle Handbook detailed screen. edit vehicle handbook
  • Update the information: 
    • Handbook Information: select the field required to be updated (Handbook Name, Description) edit the information then select the Save button to save the changes. 
    • Handbook Files
      • Select the pen icon in Action column to edit the files: The user can replace the handbook file and/or edit the file description. edit vehicle handbook files
      • Select the Save button to confirm the updated information.
      • Click trash icon in Action column to delete the handbook file. 
    • Change Log
      • Select the pen icon in Action column to edit the log description and select Save button to confirm the updated information. edit change log vehicle handbook
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