Accessible bus services reporting

This reports displays what routes have been operated as a Timetabled Accessible Service (TAS) Route with an allocated wheelchair accessible vehicle over a date range.

  • Login to Transportmeā„¢ or QST operator portal.
  • Select Reports on the main menu. 
  • Select Accessible Bus Services Reporting on the side menu. 
  • Filter data for the report: 
    • The report can be filtered by Route Category, Route Name, Driver Name, or Bus. Select the corresponding dropdown lists to choose the data. These are optional. 
    • Select the Date Range-From and Date Range-To from the date pickers to filter the data.
    • If Include Historical Data is selected, the report will also filter data on the deleted data.
    • Select Generate Report button to run the report.

filter data screenshot

  • From the result: 
    • Select different options to save the report
      • Copy: save the report to the clipboard then you can paste the data to your document or spreadsheet, etc. 
      • CSV/Excel/PDF: export the data to corresponding format to your local storage for further use. 
      • Print: print out the data. 
    • Sort data by selecting up/down arrow button on the right of the column headers.  
  • To set up as a Timetabled Accessible Service Route, edit route - Detail Information section and select the checkbox as following screenshot. 

TAS screenshot

  • To set up wheelchair for a bus, edit bus and select Wheelchair option. 
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