Govt report

The WS02 and WS03 TfNSW reports are required monthly & also a ‘Revenue/Boarding’ report which is based on the RED/HFC Reconciliation report. This is a set of 3:
  • The WS02 report which was a TfNSW report giving actual boardings by ticket types in section bands.
  • The WS03 report which is a report of ticket sales by time of day.
  • Revenue/Boarding report giving total revenue and passenger numbers sold during the reporting period.
  • Login to Transportme™ Operator Portal.
  • Select Reports tab on the main menu. 
  • Select Govt Report tab on the side menu.

filter data of govt report screenshot

  • Filter data before generating the reports: 
    • Include Historical Data: select this option to be able to search the deleted data. 
    • Selection Break Down: select this option to be able to break down the searched data into every section instead of grouping data from section 11. 
    • Route Category: select the field to select from one or multiple route categories or select Select All button to select all route categories. 
    • Route Name: select All Routes from the drop down list or specific route. Note: the available routes in this drop down list is shown based on the selected route categories. 
    • Smartcard Type: select appropriate smartcard type. All  or a specific smartcard type can be selected from the drop down list. 
    • Ticket Type: select the field to find all the options then select one or multiple options listed. Or select Select All button to choose all available ticket type. 
    • Data Range: select the duration you wanted to generate the data.
    • Route Contract: select the drop down list and select the route contract or select All Contract as default. Note: Route Contract can be found by selecting Routes tab on the main menu > select Routes tab on the side menu > locate the route > select Edit button > contract information is at General Information section. 
  • Select the report button required to generate either of the 3 reports. 


  • Actual Boarding Report (WS02) 
    • The first 4 rows From/To/Route Category/Route show the information you filtered. 
    • The 6th row Ticket/Smartcard row show the number of sections following its correspond number of tickets sold in each smartcard type. 
      • Without Section Break Down selection. Eg: F8 - there are 36 no fare tickets travelled 5 sections of all routes in Demo Category were sold from 24.10 to 31.10.2022 

      ws02 report without break down

      • With Section Break Down selection. All number sections which had tickets sold will be shown. 

      ws02 with section break down

  • Generate Boarding by Date (WS03)
    • The first 4 rows From/To/Route Category/Route show the information you filtered.
    • Eg: C7 - there are 38 High School tickets sold from Monday to Friday during the period 24.10 - 31.10.2022 of the listed routes. 

    ws03 report screenshot

  • Revenue/Boarding Report. 
    • Giving total revenue and passenger numbers sold during the reporting period.

    revenue boarding report

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