Paxcount or Passenger Count report

  • Paxcount or Passenger Count report shows the total passengers on bus and its breakdown from total tickets sold, total pax added, and total pax evaded. 
  • Note: 
    • This report is available if your company has purchased the Pax Count Ability module.
    • This is a standard feature for TMR Queensland School Ticketing.
  • Login to Transportme™ or QST or TfNSW operator portal.
  • Select Reports tab on the main menu. 
  • Select Paxcount Report or Passenger Count Report tab on the side menu.
  • Filter data : 
    • Include Historical Data: select this option to allow the report to run any deleted data. 
    • Select Route Category to include in the report. 
    • Select Route Name to include in the report.
    • Date Range-From and Date Range-To:  select the fields to pick up the dates from data pickers or enter the dates directly to define the date range of data.
  • Select Generate Report button to run the report. 

pax count report example screenshot

  • From the report result: 
    • Locate the record(s) you wanted to focus by using Search box. 
    • Select different options to save the report
      • Copy: save the report to the clipboard then you can paste the data to your document or spreadsheet, etc. 
      • CSV/Excel/PDF: export the data to corresponding format to your local storage for further use. 
      • Print: print out the data or save the data as PDF format. 
    • Sort data by selecting up/down arrow button on the right of each column header.  


    The report results may show data under different column headers, or some columns may be removed or added depending on the operator's setup. 

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