Trip count report

  • Trip count report will count number of trips that Smartcard users took based on routes within a date range.
  • Note: 
    • This report is available if your company has purchased the Smartcards module.
    • This is a standard feature for TMR Queensland School Ticketing.
  • Login to Transportme™ or QST operator portal.
  • Select Reports tab on the main menu. 
  • Select Trip Count Report tab in Smartcard Reports group on the side menu.
  • Filter data that you wanted the report runs: 
    • Select Route Name that you want to include in the report. This selection is multiple choice.
    • Card Number (optional): enter a specific card number that you want to define in the report.
    • Date from and Date to:  select the fields to pick up the dates from data pickers or enter the dates directly to define the date range of data.
  • Select Generate button to run the report. 

trip count report example screenshot

  • Example from the report results - the 2nd row: The passenger Nam VuX took 5 trips of QC Default Route from 01.12.2021 to 07.12.2021.
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