App for driver - adding funds to smartcard during a trip

  • Login to the Transportme™ Operator app or QLDSchoolBus app.
  • Check Pre-departure check, define Bus Damage, enter Fault Message if these functions are available. 
  • Start route. 
  • Select Add Fund button on the trip screen. 
  • Identify the smartcard that the passenger wanted to add funds: 

    add fund screenshot

    • Option 1: identify the smartcard number manually by entering the smartcard number (whole number or partially) that the passenger wanted to add funds into Search field, the Driver app will list all the smartcards have the searched text. 
    • Option 2: tap on the smartcard to the card reader device, the Driver app will read the smartcard number and show on the screen. 
  • Select Select button to choose the smartcard and confirm to process.  

    add fund screen

    • Double check the card holder information such as Card Holder name, Card number before adding funds.

    card information example

    • Provide the fund amount:
      • Option 1: simply select the amount button corresponding to the amount the passenger wanted to add. 

      amount button screenshot

      • Option 2: enter value the passenger wanted to add to the text field. 

      add fund manually screenshot

    • Select payment method: 

      buttons screenshot

      • Pay Cash: select this button if the passenger pay you cash then confirm to pay.
      • Pay Card: select this button if the passenger uses the credit card to pay then confirm to pay. On A920 device, payment screen will be shown and ask the passenger to tap on their payment card to finish the payment. 
      • You can select Cancel button to close the add fund screen without adding funds to the selected smartcard. 
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