Route Statistical Report

    This report is available if your company has purchased the Route Statistical module.

    Route Statistical report shows the total revenue or total pax sold for selected routes during a period of time. The report is breakdown by ticket types.
  • Login to Transportme™ or QST operator portal.
  • Select Reports tab on the main menu. 
  • Select Route Statistical Report tab on the side menu.

  • Filter data:
    • Select Routes: select the field > enter the keyword to locate the route(s) > select the routes you wanted to show in the report. This filter is multiple choices. 
    • Select Type report
      • Patronage: generate the total pax sold of the selected routes during date ranges. 
      • Revenue: generate the total revenue of the selected routes during date ranges. 
    • Select From Date and To Date from the date pickers to define the date range of data to run the report. 
  • Select Generate button to generate the report.
  • From the Result:

    result screenshot

    • Locate the route(s) by using Search box. 
    • Sort the data: Click on the header column to sort the data. 
    • Select Export CSV button to export the data to CSV file and save to your local storage. 

Noteall active ticket types of the system will be shown in the report. 

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