App for driver - Tap and Pay (Rural & Regional NSW ONLY)

In this article, you will find instructions on how to tap and pay on the driver app and the terminal (Pax A920). Note Tap and Pay for Rural & Regional NSW also works in offline mode.               

Tap and Pay for a cashless transaction 
  • Driver enters ticket details and selects Tap & Pay button in the driver app. Please note, Tap & Pay button is only enable when there is at least one transaction added to Transaction Details section.
  • The app will show "Waiting..." popup while the terminal is processing the payment request. 
  • The terminal will show the payment amount and ask the passenger to present their payment card. 

waiting screenshot

  • Card holder presents their card. Note: the payment will wait for the card holder to present their payment card about 40 seconds, after that the driver will need to Tap & Pay again to restart the payment process. 
  • The payment request is processed on the terminal. Both terminal and the app will show the message Payment approved at the bottom of their screen when the payment is successful. 

payment approval screenshot

  • Ticket is printed out with correct information. 
  • Tap & Pay button is disable. The driver can continue to sell another tickets or move to next stop. 

Card Not Valid - Error Codes

In some cases, you may see  error message "Card not valid" returned and the payment process is cancelled. Please ask the passenger to check their card, use another card, or contact their bank issuer for more information. 

card not valid screenshot

Error code  Description
Card Not Valid ( 84) Card expired
Card Not Valid ( 87) Card not supported
Card Not Valid ( 88) Card is on the Deny List
Card Not Valid ( 89) Card's BIN is blocked
Card Not Valid ( 91) Card is blocked. 

Cancel a payment from the terminal

Example of use case: the driver select "Tap & Pay" to sell a ticket then the passenger could not find their credit card and decides to pay by cash. 

  • Driver enters ticket details and selects Tap & Pay button in the driver app. Please note, Tap & Pay button is only enable when there is at least one transaction added to Transaction Details section.
  • The terminal will show the payment amount and ask the passenger to present their payment card.
  • Card holder or driver selects X button in the terminal.

cancel payment on the terminal

  • The payment is cancelled. Both terminal and driver app will show "Transaction Cancelled" at the bottom of their screen. 

transaction cencelled

  • Driver can select other payment method such as cash or Tap & Pay again, or select Clear button to delete the pending transactions to start a new transaction or move to next stops. 

Cancel a payment from the driver app 

Example of use case: the driver select "Tap & Pay" to sell a ticket then the passenger change their mind and would to pay by cash.

  • Driver enters ticket details and selects Tap & Pay button in the driver app. Please note, Tap & Pay button is only enable when there is at least one transaction added to Transaction Details section.
  • The terminal will show the payment amount and ask the passenger to present their payment card.
  • Driver select Cancel button on "Waiting..." popup and "Aborting..." popup to cancel the payment request. 
waiting screenshot aborting screenshot
  • The payment is cancelled. Both terminal and driver app will show the cancellation message at the bottom of their screen. 

driver cancelled screenshot

  • Driver select OK on the Transaction pending message box. 
  • Driver can select other payment method such as cash or Tap & Pay again, or select Clear button to delete the pending transactions to start a new transaction or move to next stops. 

Pending transactions

If the payment is cancelled either on the app or terminal and  Transaction pending message is shown as following example screenshot, driver will need to check the pending transactions:

transaction pending screenshot

  • Select Transactions button located next to "End Route" button on the trip screen. 
  • The pending transactions will have the Check Status button. Select Check Status button. 
  • check status screenshot

  • System will check if the pending transaction had a successful payment or not. 
    • If paid, Check Status button will be updated to Void ticket(s) button and the Total Passengers on bus will be increased accordingly. And the driver can be able to void the ticket (if within 5 minutes).
    • If not paid, the pending transaction will be removed from transaction list with a message as "Transaction with SeviceID: xxx not found" shown at the bottom of the screen. 

Not able to resolve a pending transaction

Referenced steps when a pending transaction is not able to resolve from the driver's side: 

  1. Customer successfully taps card BUT CONNECTION IS LOST BETWEEN PAX AND IPAD (connection status of the terminal turns red with red x icon instead of green tick icon at the bottom corner of the driver app).  
  2. Driver attempts the cancel payment process on driver app by selecting Cancel button on "Waiting..." popup and "Aborting..." popup. And the driver try the Check Status process as mentioned above.
  3. (UNSUCCESSFUL to check status) Driver troubleshoots issue by reseting bluetooth on the iPad / reseting connection on the terminal (tapping on RESET CONNECTION on Transportme app screen on the terminal) / reseting the terminal. 
  4. (UNSUCCESSFUL to reconnect the devices) Driver checks terminal to confirm if it was a successful transaction. More information to check a transaction on the terminal here
  5. Driver reports faulty equipment to the operator who provides instructions. 
  6. Operator raises support ticket via OT Connect.

Voided by the driver

Example of use case: the passenger already bought a ticket by their credit card then they decide not to go and ask for a refund just a minute after buying the ticket. 


  • A ticket can only be voided within 5 minutes from buying time and the bus is still at the boarding stop.
  • If you void a ticket from a group of tickets that were sold in the same transaction, all of them will be voided. 

Steps to void ticket(s):

  • Driver select Transactions button located next to "End Route" button on the trip screen. 
  • Driver locates which ticket he wanted to void
    • Ticket from single ticket transaction: select Void Ticket(s) button

    void a ticket screenshot

    • Ticket from multiple tickets transaction: select Void ticket(s) button > select Continue button on the message box to confirm that all the tickets in the same transaction will be voided.

    void multiple tickets screenshot

  • "Voiding..." popup is shown while the terminal is process the voiding process. 

voiding screenshot

  • Both terminal and the app show Reversal Payment message at the bottom of their screen to confirm that the ticket(s) is voided. 
  • The voided ticket(s) is shown in grey without Void ticket(s) button.

voided ticket screenshot

  • If the driver try to void a ticket that was sold more than 5 minutes, there will a message shown as following screenshot. In this case, you may want ask the passenger to contact the bus operator for a refund request. 

unable to void screenshot

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