PAX A920- How to remove and reinstall/activate M2M sim card

This process is for operators that have purchased the Pax A920 device, cashless ticketing feature and M2M sim card.
In the event that you have a damaged Pax A920 and you have established the M2M sim card has data coverage, this is the process of how to remove/reinstall and reactivate the M2M sim card in the replacement Pax A920.

How to check - Data signal on M2M sim card for Pax A920

  1. Damaged Unit :Please disconnect any power from the damaged unit and turn it off, if it is switched on.  Hold down the power button on the right hand side for 2 seconds.  The following screen will appear.  Select the power off icon on the screen.

PAX A920 - power off

  • The screen will then show a larger power off button.  Please select this button and the device will shut down.
  • On a clean/soft surface, please turn the unit over.  There is a lock switch holding the battery cover on, please unlock this switch and remove the battery cover and remove the battery.  
  • IMPORTANT. Please take note as to how the sim card is placed and the slot that it is in, this will be the same slot that will be used in the replacement Pax A920.
  • The sim card should be on the bottom left hand side. Carefully slide the sim card out, please take your time and this may take a couple of goes.
  • Example shown below.  


PAX A920

  • Replacement Unit: Please ensure the replacement unit is disconnected from any power and is switched off.  
  • On a clean/soft surface, please turn the unit over.  There is a lock switch holding the battery cover on, please unlock this switch and remove the battery cover and remove the battery. 
  • insert the sim card into the slot shown below

  • Before you place the battery back in, ensure any tape has been removed from the battery terminal.
  • Place battery back into the device and put the battery cover back on an re lock the battery cover.
  • Reactivate M2M Sim card for data connection: Turn the unit over with the screen facing up and turn power on using the on/off switch on the right hand side of the unit.  This start up process takes approximately 20 sec.
  • The transportme app will automatically load, please select the 'circle" icon at the bottom of the screen to go to the home screen
  • Go to “Settings ” on the home screen of the terminal, enter the following password pax9876@@ then select ok

PAX a920

  • Scroll down to  …More, then on the next screen select Cellular networks

PAX A920

  • Click on one of 2 titles that could be shown on your device.  Telstra.wap OR ** click on the name Telstra Internet
  • Click on APN, Update the wording from Telstra.wap to Telstra.m2m and push ok OR click on APN and delete out the tnsicomau and input Telstra.m2m
  • Click the top right-hand corner “three dots menu button” and push save (If this step is missed it will not enable the Sim card)
  • Your device is now provisioned for a Telstra m2m Sim card, check the screen to ensure you see a 3g or 4g signal in the top right hand corner

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