Under/Over Report by Shift

  • Under/Over reporting by SHIFT enables the consolidation of revenue by SHIFT, followed by the generation of a reconciliation report by SHIFT.
  • Note: 
    • This report is available if your company has purchased the Under Over Report module.
    • This is a standard feature for TMR Queensland School Ticketing.

Do not allow reconciliation by shift if any trip within that shift has already been reconciled. Its either by SHIFT or by ROUTE. 

Refer to the steps below to reconcile revenue and generate the Under/Over Report by SHIFT:

  • Login to Operator portal.
  • Select Reports tab. 
  • Select Under/Over Report tab on the side menu.


If any trips associated with a shift have been reconciled, that shift cannot be reconciled again and will not appear in the search results.

  • Select Cash Reconciliation tab.

  • Select a saved filter in Saved Filter section (optional) to fill in all saved filter data automatically to Advanced Search section. 
  • Advanced Search - filter data: 
    • Select Driver Name to include in the report. Note: this option is multiple choices.
    • Select Bus to include in the report. Note: this option is multiple choices.
    • Date:  select the fields to pick up the date from data pickers or enter the date directly to filter data on selected date.
    • Select Route Category to include in the report. Note: this option is multiple choices.
    • Select corresponding Route Name to include in the report. Note: this option is multiple choices.
    • Include Historical Data: turn on the option to allow the report runs on the deleted data. 
  • Select Save this Filter button (optional) to save the selected data under a name to reuse later. The saved filter will be shown in Saved Filter section. 
  • Switch on Show By Shift toggle
  • Select Search button to search the shift revenue of selected data.

  • Locate the shift you wanted to check and reconcile the revenue using Search box. 
  • Select Submit button to open Shift Revenue details screen. 
  • Check the cash revenue and credit card revenue information on Shift Revenue screen > enter Cash Collected, Adjustment (if applicable) > select Submit button and confirm to reconcile the revenue.


  • Select Report Generation tab.

  • Select a saved filter in Saved Filter section (optional) to fill in all saved filter data automatically to Advanced Search section. 
  • Advanced Search - filter data that you wanted the report runs: 
    • From and To:  select the fields to pick up the dates from data pickers or enter the dates directly to define the date range of data.
    • Include Historical Data: turn on the option to allow the report runs on the deleted data. 
    • Select Route Category to include in the report. Note: this option is multiple choices.
    • Select corresponding Route Name to include in the report. Note: this option is multiple choices.
    • Include Route in Report: turn on the option to show route name and route category in the report result.
    • Select Driver Name to include in the report. Note: this option is multiple choices.
    • Select Save this Filter button (optional) to save the selected data under a name to reuse later. The saved filter will be shown in Saved Filter section. 
  • Turn on Show By Shift toggle
  • Select Generate Report button to run the report. The report is downloaded to your local storage.

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