Create a smartcard split trip rule

Split trip rule configurations allow for situations where a passenger will typically catch two or multiple buses where the fare types are different. For example, the first bus or portion of travel might be free, but the next portion of travel on a second bus will have a paid fare associated with it.

The Split Trip Development allows the Operator to set rules for smartcard holders regarding their travel patterns and the fares that are duly charged to them.  Traditionally, these rules are used for school children to help make the tap on and off process at interchange points simple for both the child and the driver. 

This feature is available if your company has purchased the Smartcard module.
This is a standard feature for TMR Queensland's School Ticketing - QST.

  • Login to Transportmeā„¢ or QST operator portal.
  • Select the Smartcards tab on the main menu. 
  • Select Split Trip Rule on the left menu. 
  • Select the  + New Rule or Add New Rule button to open Create Rule screen. 
  • On the Create Rule screen, provide information to create the rule: 
    • Rule Name: This rule will be used for assigning to as many Smartcards as you like, so name it as something significant and easily identified.
    • Select route which the rule will be initiate to be counted then select corresponding Boarding Point and De-Boarding Point that the rule applies to. Note: More than one boarding points or de-boarding points can be selected.
    • Enter the dollar value of the Amount you wish the child or passenger to be charged for this portion of their travel pattern.
    • Choose the Fare Type Note: Hover over i button for all fare types explanation.
    • Select the + button to create a second leg of the trip (exchange point). Note: The boarding point will be the same as the de-boarding point from the previous line.  This cannot be altered, as it is the fundamental of the Split Trip Development - the passenger must continue travel from the previous de-boarding point.
    • Select the Save button.

create rule screenshot

  • These configurations can be applied to smartcard profiles individually following these steps: 
    • Edit the smartcard you wish to associate with this configuration. 
    • Select the pen icon located at the top right corner of the Smartcard Route - Stop - Rule section. 
    • Choose the rule name from Split trip rule list. 
    • Select the Save Changes button to apply the update. 
  • To apply the configuration(s) to multiple smartcards, use Bulk Update feature.
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