Register a new Smartcard

This feature is available if your company has purchased the Smartcards module.
This is a standard feature for Queensland School Ticketing (QST).
  • Login to Transportme™ or QST operator portal.
  • Select Smartcards on the top menu. 
  • Select Smartcards on the left menu. 
  • Select on the Register New Smartcard button. 
    • For Transportme™ operators.

    smartcard screenshot

    • For QST operators. Note: A new Smartcard can only be registered from a blank card. You may find more details from Upload blank smartcards article. 

  • Enter the details on the Add Smartcard Direct form. For QST operator, please refer to Guide to CSV file for migration for more details. 
  • Select Create button to save the entry. The system will warn you of required fields when you try to save the entry. 


  • Card Holder Information:
    • Passenger Type
      • For TME operators (optional)select one of the type that the passenger belongs to. There are Student and Public to select. 
      • For QST operators (optional): select one of the type that the passenger belongs to. There are STAS, Non STAS, and Public to select.
    • Username: this is used to link Smartcard to passenger account on the Transportme™ Passenger app or Travel2School. The username can include A-Z a-z 0-9 _@. and must be a minimum of 5 characters, no hyphen or spaces. 
    • Password (for NON QST operators) is used to link Smartcard to passenger account on the Transportme™ Passenger app.
    • Cardholder Name is displayed name. It will be shown on the Transportme™ Passenger app or Driver app / QLDSchoolBus. We recommend entering middle names if applicable.
    • Email is used to contact with the cardholder. The email is also used to receive reset password link from Transportme™ Passenger app in case the cardholder forgot the password.
    • Organisation: assigning a smartcard to an organisation can restrict organisation users from accessing smartcard data that not belongs to this organisation. Note: this field is only available if company paid for 2nd tier user module; the assigned organisation needs to be set up with a Stripe account so the organisation's smartcards can be topped up. 
    • Reference ID: this is the ID for external system for QST operators: Only applicable during migration of STIMS passenger data to Transportme™. This field is to be populated with the STIMS ID provided to you in the STIMS Migration csv file.
    • Other informationThis section is only displayed if the operator has paid for the Smartcard Manifest feature. Wheelchair, Seating Criteria, Medical Details, and Notes are optional pieces of information that will be shown on the manifest route within the driver app accordingly. The below screenshots are an example how the information is provided in the operator portal and how it is shown on the driver app. 
    • other information screenshot manifest screen example
  • Smartcard Detail
    • Digit Code (for QST operators): this is a convenient sequence number for operator to manage the Smartcards. The user enters at least the first 3 characters of the blank cards' digit code into the field > system will list all available blank cards - the cards have not been registered or assigned to any passenger.
    • Card Number: this is a unique number that represents for the Smartcard. There is only one card number corresponding one digit code. 
      • For QST operators: system will filtered and shown card number that corresponding to the selected digit code.
    • Company ID is a reference number for reporting purposes.
    • Expiry Date defines when this Smartcard is expired and cannot be used. 
    • Card Type, there are 4 different types of card type:
      • Dynamic Fare: for point to point pricing/fares.
        • Dynamic Fare Ticket Type: select and assign a ticket type to this Smartcard from the drop down list. Ticket type drop down lists all the ticket types of the system which could be found from Tickets tab on the main menu.
      • Static Fare: the Smartcard riders will get charged the same fare regardless of boarding or deboarding points.
        • Static Fare Amount: fare amount of a static fare, passenger will be charged this fixed amount when travel by this smartcard. 
      • Term Fare: the Smartcard riders will pay $ value for a fare for either a set number of weeks or trips.
        • Term Fare Validate By: define how to determine the term fare Smartcard is valid to use. 
          • Expiry Date: The smartcard is valid to travel depends on its Expiry Date. 
          • Available Trips: you will be asked to enter Term Fare Available Trips. When the smartcard is tapped on, the number of trips will be reduced accordingly. 
        • Term Fare Fund Amount: it is the fund amount for the term. The smartcard is valid to travel if its balance is greater than or equal to this amount. 
      • No Fare: the Smartcard riders don’t need to pay, system only record their travels.
    • Deduct Mode:
      • Tap on only: the Smartcard rider will be charged at the tap-on point.
      • Tap on & off: the Smartcard rider will be charged at the tap-off point.
    • Maximum Fare $: the $value the Smartcard rider will be charged if the tap-off is not conducted when the Smartcard’s deduct mode is a tap on & off.
    • Smartcard Configuration: assign registered configurations from the drop down boxes to the Smartcard. You can add new configuration by selecting Smartcard tab then Configurations submenu on the left menu of Smartcard tab.
  • Smartcard Route - Stop - Rules
    • Route - Stop
      • When the toggle Include all route and all stops? is switched ON, the cardholder can travel all routes and all stops with the Smartcard.
      • When the toggle Include all route and all stops? is switched OFF, you will determine a route and its all stops or specific stops that the cardholder is allowed to travel with their Smartcard. You can select more routes and stops by selecting plus sign.
    • Rules:  select one or many registered Split Trip Rule from the drop down box to assign to the smartcard. You can add new Split Trip Rule by selecting Smartcard tab then Split Trip Rule submenu on the left menu of Smartcard tab.
  • When all the information is entered >  Select "Create" to save the Smartcard profile, Select "Cancel" to NOT save the Smartcard profile.
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