View driver details

  • Login to Transportme™ or QST or TfNSW operator portal.
  • Select the Drivers tab 
  • Locate the driver you wanted to view details using Search box then select the Detail button or eye icon in Actions column and select one of following tabs: 
    • Driver information: information is carried across the Operator portal regarding to the driver. 
    • Exported Routes: list of all routes that were exported by the driver.
    • Fuel fill entries: details of all fuel fill transactions conducted by the driver.
  • You also have the ability to save the data of Exported Routes and Fuel fill entries to your local storage such as selecting CSV button or Export CSV button. 

Example of the Driver Detail page - Driver information tab on Transportme™ and TfNSW operator portal.

driver information screenshot

Example of the Driver Detail page - Exported Routes on QST operator portal.

exported routes screenshot

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