Edit a driver

  • Login to Transportme™ or QST or TfNSW operator portal.
  • Select the Drivers tab on the main menu.
  • Locate the driver you wanted to update using Search box. 
    • For Transportme™ or TfNSW operators: select Edit button under Actions column to continue.

    TME edit driver screenshot

    • For QST operators: select pen icon under Actions column to continue.

    QST edit screenshot

  • At Update Driver or Edit Driver screen, edit driver information where needed then select the Update Driver or Save button to save your changes. 


  • To reset the password of a driver account which is used to login to the app on the iPad, the operator will need to edit a driver's account to set a new password. The new password will then need to be shared with the driver. 

For  Queensland School Ticketing, operators will need to ensure that passwords meet the Department of Transport & Main Road's policy for information security. Instructions can be found here on how to meet industry standards for information security. 

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