Smartcard Setting

This feature is available if your company has purchased the Smartcards module.
This is a standard feature for TMR Queensland School Ticketing - QST.
  • Login to Transportme™ or QST operator portal.
  • Select the Smartcards tab on the top menu.
  • Select Smartcards Setting on the left menu.
  • Scroll up and down to locate the section you want to modify, select suitable option(s) or enter the desired values, and then select the Save button to update the setting.
    • Stripe Fee:  determine if the Operator wants to either absorb the payment transaction fee on behalf of the customer, or charge the customer the stripe fee. This will apply to ALL Smartcard profiles.
    • stripe fee screenshot
    • Smartcard Transaction Screen: determine if you want to Hide or Show Smartcard transaction screen on the Driver app when Smartcard user taps on the Smartcard reader. The selection you make will apply to ALL routes/Smartcards.  If you make changes to this setting, it will apply the next time the driver logs in.  A majority of operators will select Hide to reduce driver interaction. 
    • smartcard transaction screenshot
    • Card Holder Name Settings: choose how to display passenger order name.
    • card holder name screenshot
    • Smartcard Balance

        smartcard balance screenshot

      • Disable Low Fund Notification: select if you do not want to send low fund alert to TransportMe passenger app or Travel2School app. If it is not selected, the notification will be sent once a day at 5PM to smartcard accounts which have balance is lower than the $ Value for 'Add Fund' Alert to Passenger
      • $ Value for 'Add Fund' Alert to Passenger: determine at what $ value you wish your passengers to be reminded to top up their Smartcard account via TransportMe passenger app or Travel2School app. 
      • $ Value for the Biggest Debt: What is the biggest debt you will allow your passenger Smartcards to go into.
    • Manual Transaction Reason: add or edit the reasons for manual transaction conducted in Smartcard detail screen.

        manual transaction screenshot

      • Select Add button to create a new reason for manual transaction. 
      • Locate the reason using Search box. 
      • Select pen icon to edit an existing reason. 
      • Select trash bin icon to delete a reason following your confirmation.
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