Add funds to Smartcard from the operator portal

This feature is available if your company has purchased the Smartcard module.
This is a standard feature for TMR Queensland's School Ticketing (QST).
  • Login to Transportme™ or QST operator portal .
  • Select the Smartcards tab on the main menu. 
  • Select Smartcards on the left menu. 
  • Locate the smartcard you wish to add funds to using Advanced Search option
  • Select the Add Funds button in the Actions column to open Add Fund screen. 
    • For Transportme™ operators 
    • TMR add fund button screenshot
    • For QST operators
    • QST add fund button screenshot
  • Enter the desired fund amount, and then select the Add button. 
  • Enter the payment details and select the Pay button to proceed with the transaction. 

add fund screenshot

  • Example of use:  The Smartcard holder or their parents/guardians can call the operator and request to add funds to their smartcard account.


  • Adding funds through the Operator Portal is managed by Stripe. Payment security is entirely handled by Stripe – not by transportme™.
  • Stripe fee:  You have the option to either pass on these fees or absorb them. You can adjust this setting in the Operator Portal under the Smartcards menu > Smartcard Settings in the left menu > Stripe Fee section. Additional information can be found in the Smartcard Setting knowledge base article. 
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