Create a new organisation

Organisations is available if your company has purchased the 2nd Tier User module. An organisation user can only see data related to the organisation on the operator portal. 

  • Login to Transportme™ or QST or TfNSW operator portal. 
  • Select Users tab on the main menu.
  • Select Organisations tab on the left menu. 
  • Select plus + sign to add a new organisation. 

new organisation screenshot

  • At Add new Organisation popup, enter organisation details to enable Save button. Note: organisation name is unique. 
    • Enter the unique organisation name into the text box. 

    new organisation popup screenshot

    • For Rural and Regional NSW operators: you can provide Ticket Header One and Ticket Header Two to customise the information that will be shown on the organisation's ticket printout from the driver app. These pieces of information are optional. If no text is entered in these two fields, the ticket printout from the driver app will use the information from the operator.

    TfNSW new organisation

  • Select Save button to save and add new organisation to organisation list of your operator. 
  • Or select Close button to close the Add new Organisation popup without saving the organisation. 

Note: An organisation needs to be set up with Stripe account to receive money from smartcards' topping up. 

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