App for driver - working with a clear of bus check route

The Clear of Bus Check is a safety feature designed to ensure no passengers are left on board at the end of a route.  It requires the driver to walk to the rear of the bus to retrieve a generated PIN Code and then enter the pin into the interface in the driver’s area.
  • Login to the Transportme™ Operator app or QLDSchoolBus app                     
  • Check Pre-departure check, define Bus Damage, enter Fault Message if these functions are available. 
  • Select Select Route tab from the main menu.
  • Select Route Category > select Trip > select Done button.
  • Operate the bus. 
  • Select End Route.   
  • If there are still passengers on board, the driver will be required to confirm that they still want to end the route.

end route with pax on vehicle prompt

  • The driver is required to enter the correct PIN code from the pin generator device at the rear of the bus to end the route or end their shift. 

pin generator screenshot

  • The code is only valid for a certain time. After that time, the app will alert and the driver should tap on RESET PIN to generate a new code. 
  • If the entered code does not match the code from the pin generator device, the code will be red. The driver should re-enter the code. 

wrong pin screenshot

  • The matched code will be blue and the app will let the driver continue with the end of route process. 
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