Offline mode

Transportme™ Driver app, QLDSchoolBus app, or TransportMe tfNSW app support offline mode to ensure that Smartcards and Ticket Sales can be performed as normal when the iPad has no or limited data connectivity – this is referred to as being OFFLINE.

In this article:

How offline mode app works? 

  • When the app goes into offline mode, it will automatically use the latest cached data to handle the basic features. 
  • There will be a bold line on top of the driver app when in offline mode.

offline mode screenshot

  • All the transactions during offline period will be saved on the iPad and will be synchronised once the iPad is within an area with cellular coverage or connected to wi-fi. 

Available features in OFFLINE mode on driver app

  • Login: Username and Password are required as normal. However, only Username is checked. 
  • Start Route 
  • Selling tickets by tapping smartcards or cash. Please note we don't support cashless ticketing in offline mode, unless you use TfNSW's Rural and Regional solution.
  • End Route: Routes ended in offline mode will be saved under Unexported Route tab. The routes will be exported automatically once the iPad has a data connection.
  • Clear of bus check
  • Logout

Main features NOT available in OFFLINE mode on driver app

  • Limited smartcard features
    • Add fund is disabled.
    • No validation on route-stops restriction: card is assumed to be allowed to travel in any routes/stops and fare will be charged when online.
    • No validation on the available fund:  card is assumed to have enough fund to travel and fare will be charged when online.
  • Cashless ticketing is disabled, unless you use TfNSW's Rural and Regional solution.
  • Change Driver is disabled.
  • Fuel fill is disabled.
  • Fault/damage report is disabled.
  • Handbooks is disabled. 
  • Receiving messages from operators. 

Notes for the Operators

Generate cache of the data for Offline mode ability

You should Update offline data to generate cache immediately so that it can be ready to be downloaded during next driver app login in online mode and ready for use in Offline Mode. Otherwise the cache is only updated nightly (12am AEST).

Smartcard Travel Configurations, Split Trip Rules in OFFLINE mode 

There is 1 important rule related to the smartcard rules & configuration:  "First come first served”. When the driver app is back in service, the data will be synchronised to the server and the system will process the data accordingly to its synchronised order.

A list of known issues when the trips are  NOT synchronised in time order:

  • Split trip rule: If a rule involves multiple trips then all trips must be synchronised to server in a chronological order to the rule to be applied. For example:
    • Route 1: A -> B
    • Route 2: B -> C
    • If both routes are offline and Route#2 is synchronised to server BEFORE Route 1 then the split trip rule won’t be applied.
  • Pay once: the first transaction synced to server will be charged. For example:
    • Offline tapped at 10am for $2 and synced to server at 12am
    • Online tapped at 11am for $5
    • Smartcard will be charged $5 for the online travel and the travel at 10am will be free (even though user will expect they should be charged $2 only and the $5 ticket should be free)
  • Discount: the first transactions synced to server will be consolidated for the discount. Unsynced transactions might be ignored For example:
    • Config: 10% discount for every 2 trips
    • Offline tapped at 10am for $5 and synced to server at 12am
    • Online tapped at 10:30am for $5
    • Online tapped at 11:00am for $5 
      • => $1 discount issued at 11:00
      • => Transaction at 10am is ignored and will not be considered for any discount calculation later.

However - the benefits of offline mode outweigh these known issues, which are a very small % chance of occurring.  


You still can send message to drivers. However, the drivers can only receive the messages when the driver app has cellular network to communicate with our Server.  

Clear of bus check

As the driver app is unable to communicate with our Server, the clear of bus check code will not available on GPS tracking page. 

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