OR2 Report

OR2 Report is related to TfNSW ODIN Reporting requirements. The report summarises the planned service KM of reporting routes monthly and these routes should be School Dedicated Route or Planned Timetabled Route. 

This report is available if your company has paid for the OR2 Report module.
  • Login to Transportmeā„¢ Operator Portal.
  • Select Reports tab on the main menu. 
  • Select OR2 Report tab on the side menu
  • Filter data before generating the report: 

    • Include Historical Data: select this option to be able to search the deleted data. 
    • All Route
      • Select this checkbox to run the report for eligible routes in the system. 
      • Deselect this checkbox to be able to filter data by Route Categories and Routes. 
        • Route Category (mandatory): one or more route categories can be picked. 
        • Routes can be picked from selected route categories dropdown list added. 
    • Date Range-From and Date Range-To (mandatory): select the duration you wanted to generate the data.
  • Select Export CSV button to save the report as a CSV on your local storage. 
Example of OR2 Report result: 

or2 report screenshot

Data description: 

    • This column is empty, it is not extracted from the system. Operator may need to enter the contract code manually. 
    • For Rural and Regional NSW operators, where the contract code is available (has been populated by the bus operator in route information) this information can be shown in the report. 
    • It is the MONTH(s) of reporting data range. 
    • Eg: Date Range is from 01/11/2022 to 07/11/2022 then the REPORTING_PERIOD is 2022-11; Date Range is from 12/10/2022 to 07/11/2022 then the REPORTING_PERIOD is 2022-10 and 2022-11. 
  • ROUTE_ID: It is extracted from Route Name/Number of reporting routes. 
  • ROUTE_DESCRIPTION: It is extracted from Route Description for Reporting of reporting routes. 
  • ROUTE_TYPE: It is based on Route Type of reporting routes. 
    • SCHOOL: if route type is Dedicated School Route.
    • REGULAR: if route type is Planned Timetabled Route.
  • PLANNED_SERVICE_KM: the planned km which is calculated based on Planned Kms, Dead Running Kms, Trips Per Day M-F Term, Trips Per Day M-F Hols, Trips Per Day Sat, Trips Per Day Sun and Trips Per Day Public Hol of reporting route during reporting month. 
  • Note: all route information above can be assigned to a route when a new route is created or edit an existing route. Eg: Editing Jetty to CHC route as following screenshot.

editing route screenshot

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