Create secure passwords for QLDSchoolBus app users (Drivers)

When creating a new user of the QLDSchoolBus app or resetting an existing user's password, the new password will need to meet industry standards for information security. 

These standards require: 

  • Password length: the minimum password length is 8 characters
  • Password complexity: the password must contain
    • at least 1 uppercase character
    • at least 1 lowercase character
    • at least 1 numeric or 1 special character
  • Password restrictions: the password must not contain
    • Dictionary words
    • Common names
    • Username, first name, middle name or last name
 case abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Numbers 0123456789
Special !@#$%^&*()-=_+<>?

Source: Wikipedia

Creating a strong password with a password generator

There are several websites that can help you generate a random password that meets these requirements. Here are some examples. 

Creating a strong password from areas of interest

It can help to generate a new password from an area of interest to the user. This does require some thinking but may help with remembering the password in future. 

 This video provides some examples - [6:34min].

When creating or editing a driver and providing a password, it might be helpful to ask the driver for suggestions that are meaningful to them. 

One way to create a strong and secure password is to substitute characters. This is called a munge.Take a look at this Wikipedia article for munged passwords to provide you with some ideas for how to substitute characters in your password.  

The substitutions can be anything the user finds easy to remember.

a=@ b=8 c=( d=6 e=3 f=# g=9 h=# i=1 i=! k=< l=1
l=i o=0 q=9 s=5 s=$ t=+ v=> v=< w=uu w=2u x=% y=?

Source: Wikipedia

An example of a munged password is for "butterfly" is:

8uttErfly The b becomes an eight (B8), and any other letter can be capitalized
butt3rfl? The e becomes a three (E3), and the Y becomes a question mark (Y = Why?)
bu2Terfly The two Ts become 2T
8u2T3RfL? a combination of all the above

Source: Wikipedia.

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