Detail Ticket Report

The report list the detail information of every tickets. 

  • Login to the operator portal. 
  • Select Reports tab on the main menu. 
  • Select Detail Ticket Report tab on the side menu.

detail ticket report screenshot

  • Filter data to run the report: 
    • Include Historical Data: select the option to be able to search the deleted data.
    • Transaction Date From and Transaction Date To (required): select the date and time range to search for data within.
      • To select a date and time, click on the calendar icon to open the calendar and then choose the desired date and time

      filter date and time screenshot

      • Alternatively, you can directly enter the desired date and time by clicking on the corresponding value for date, month, year, hour, minute, or AM/PM, and then updating it.

      select transaction date time directly screenshot

    • Select Organisation (required): click the dropdown icon to select an organisation, or click the 'X' icon to clear the current selection and choose a new one.

    select organisation screenshot

    • Select Routes Categories (required): the dropdown list shows all route categories available for the selected organisation. 

      select route categories screenshot

      • To select route categories, click the checkbox next to one or more categories. You can also search for route categories by typing in the search field.
      • To deselect route categories, you can click the "X" icon to clear all selections and start over, uncheck the checkbox next to the category, or select the category and press the backspace key on your keyboard.
    • Select Routes (required): the dropdown list shows all routes available for the selected route categories.

      select routes screenshot

      • To select route, click the checkbox next to one or more routes. You can also search for route by typing in the search field.
      • To deselect route, you can click the "X" icon to clear all selections and start over, uncheck the checkbox next to the routes, or select the routes and press the backspace key on your keyboard.
    • Select Driver: the dropdown list shows all the active drivers in your system. You can select none or one driver. 

select driver screenshot

  • Select GENERATE REPORT button to show the result. 


  • The Result: 
    • Click the column header to sort the data in ascending or descending order.
    • Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the report to view all the data.
    • Select EXPORT CSV button to export the result to a CSV file and save to locally. 

The report provides detailed information about every ticket sold through the driver app, including the time and location of sale, ticket type, payment method (cash or contactless), ticket amount, and more.

You may want to compare some information in the report with the ticket printouts from the driver app. 

  • Transaction Identifier = PayID 
  • Ticket no = TixID
  • Amount $ = Fare 
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