End of route report

End of Route report details information of specific routes - including the shift length, driver, and ticket data, etc.
This is available if your company has purchased the  End of Route feature.
  • Login to Transportme™ or QST or TfNSW operator portal.
  • Select Reports tab on the main menu. 
  • Select End of Route Report tab on the side menu.

  • Filter data: 
    • Include Historical Data: select the option to be able to search the deleted data.
    • Select the date picker to select Date From and Date To - the data is only searched within this selected date range. 
    • For Rural and Regional NSW operators, besides date, data is also searched by time. 

    date time picker for TFNSW screenshot

    • Select the Route Cate (route category), Route Name and Driver Name (if you are looking for a certain driver). 
    • Switch on the fare type toggle to filter by fare type. Note: if the operator doesn't have smartcard module, this toggle will not be shown. 

    fare type screenshot

    • Switch on the ticket type toggle to filter by ticket type

    ticket type screenshot

    • Note: all the filters are multiple choices.
  • Select Generate End Route Summary button to show the report. System will update data every 5 minutes and the route need to be ended to show detail on the report. 
  • On the report: 
    • Excel: select the button to export the data to excel file. 
    • Sort data by selecting the up/down arrow located on the right of each column header. 
    • Slide the scroll bar located at the bottom of the report to view all the data. 

    report 1 screenshot

report 2 screenshot

  • Example of how to read the data following the above screenshot. Please note this is test data. 
    • On 20/10/2022, the route QC Default Route 1 was run twice. 
    • The 1st trip was run 0:1:47 from 09:49 to 09:51. This trip earn $1.9 with 1 ticket was sold. Sliding the scroll bar to the right to find more detail information about cash collected, smartcard topup, number of cancelled tickets or number of pax added, pax evaded, etc. 
  • Notes: 
    • If changing the drivers mid route, the driver shown in the report is the last driver who operated the route.  
    • For Rural and Regional NSW operators: report result may show data under different column headers or some columns may be removed or added. Example: column "Total Pax Added" in the above example is "SSTS Added"; new columns as "Contract ID", "Shift ID", "Trip ID", or "Terminal ID"; deleted column as "Cancelled Tickets". 
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