Setup sections travelled chart

  • Sections Travelled Chart is only available if the route is set up to Use Sections Travel Chart. 
  • To configure the sections travelled chart of a route: Select Routes > Route Edit > Route Information

use section travelled chart screenshot

  • Login to Transportme™ or QST or TfNSW operator portal. 
  • Select the Routes tab on the main menu.
  • Select the Routes tab from the side menu.
  • Locate the route you wanted to edit the stop list using Search box. 
    • For Transportme™ and TfNSW operators, select the Edit button in Action column to open Route Edit screen. 
    • For QST operators, select eye icon in Actions column to open Route Edit screen. 
  • Select Stops tab to open stop list of the route, and then select SECTIONS TRAVELLED CHART tab. 
  • This chart will define how many sections are travelled between any 2 points – which will then determine the fare amount from when you created your tickets and pricing. Note: the fare amount between any 2 points or the fare amount of any specified number of sections can be found at Ticket Type menu. 
  • Simply select number of section between any 2 points from the drop down list to complete the chart. To be able to set the number of section between the same points (eg: between "QC Park Beach Plaza Coffs" and "QC Park Beach Plaza Coffs"), you will need to Allow destination stop same as departing stop if it is available for your operators. 

Reference illustration of how the Sections Travelled Chart works:

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