Add stops to a route
Please ensure you have created all your stops and completed your route information. Use this link to create your stops creating stops.
- Login to Transportme™, QST, or TfNSW operator portal.
- Select the Routes tab on the main menu.
- Select Routes on the left menu.
- Locate the route you are adding stops to using Search box.
- Select the Edit button in Action column for Transportme™ and TfNSW operators or eye icon in Actions column for QST operators to open Route Edit page.
- Select the Stops tab next to Route Information tab. Note: The Departing Stop that was assigned when creating route information will be shown in the stop list as the first stop of the route by default.
- For Transportme™ and TfNSW operators
- For QST operators
- Select the Add New Stop button to add new stop.
- A new row will be added at the end of the stop list
- Choose the Stop Order – the order of stop the bus will travel in.
- Choose Stop Name from the dropdown box
- Set Departing Time (optional). As the driver enters into that stops geofence, the departure time will appear on the transaction screen. It will appear red if the bus arrives at stop prior to this time, and will appear green if the bus enters stop on the allocated time or after.
- Check is Popular? if you wish this stop to be displayed on the transaction screen if it is a popular stop or destination that passengers travel to. This will save the drivers time when selling tickets, as those stops are always on the screen ready to sell tickets to.
- Check MidPoint? if this stop is a midpoint for reporting purposes.
- If this information is correct, select the green tick to confirm and save this information for the stop
If a Stop is misplaced, the stop order or stop name can be edited.
- Continue to add stops as per the above steps, until the route is complete.