Create a holiday

  • Login to Transportme™ Operator portal.
  • Select the Holiday tab
  • Select the New Holiday button.

new holiday button screenshot

  • Select the Select Date box.  This will open a date picker to select a date for your public holiday or school holiday. Note: multiple days can be selected in the calendar for a School Holiday period by selecting each date required.

add new holiday screenshot

  • Choose holiday Type from the drop down list for the date(s) you have selected.  Either a public holiday or school holiday. 
  • Select the Save button to save the holidays.

holiday type screenshot


  • Please select Public Holiday if it coincides in a school holiday (e.g. Easter Monday).
  • The Public Holiday and School Holiday is used in creating smartcard travel configuration. The smartcard travel configuration can be accessed by selecting Smartcards > Configurations. 

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