Create free travel - pay once configuration

  • This feature is available if your company has purchased the Smartcard module.
  • The smartcards with this Pay Once free travel configuration will only pay once at the first trip during the time frame then the other trips within the time frame are free.
  • Login to Transportme™ or QST operator portal.
  • Select Smartcards tab on the main menu. 
  • Select Configurations on the left menu. 
  • Select the Free Travel tab. 
  • Make sure the toggle shows Pay once.  
  • Pay once screenshot
  • Select the New Configuration button to add a new free travel configuration.
  • Enter the configuration details:
    • Configuration name: This name will be used for assigning to smartcards. 
    • Organisation (optional): The configuration can only be used within the selected organisation. By default, all organisations can see and use the configuration. 
    • Select the Add More button to add as many affected time frames you need.
      • Valid from - Valid to: time frame that the free travel will be checked and applied. 
    • Exclude weekend: Select this option if Saturday and Sunday should not be counted in the configuration.
    • Exclude public holiday: Select this option if public holidays should not be counted in the configuration.
    • Exclude school holiday: Select this option if school holidays should not be counted in the configuration.
    • Select the Save button to add new pay once configuration.
    • pay once configuration screenshot
  • These configurations can be applied to smartcard profiles individually following these steps: 
    • Edit the smartcard you wish to associate with this configuration. 
    • Select the pen icon located at the top right corner of the Smartcard Detail section. 
    • Choose the configuration name from Free Travel drop down list in the Smartcard Configuration area. 
    • Select the Save Changes button to apply the update. 
  • To apply the configuration(s) to multiple smartcards, use Bulk Update feature. 
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