Create free travel - free session configuration

This feature is available if your company has purchased the Smartcard module.
  • Login to Transportme™ or QST operator portal.
  • Select Smartcards tab on the main menu. 
  • Select Configurations on the left menu. 
  • Select the Free Travel tab. 
  • Make sure the toggle shows Free sessions
  • free travel screenshot
  • Select the New Configuration button to add a new free sessions configuration.
  • Enter the configuration details:
    • Configuration name: This name will be used for assigning to smartcards. 
    • Organisation (optional): The configuration can only be used within the selected organisation. By default, all organisations can see and use the configuration. 
    • Duration (minutes):  Free session time. 
    • Free sessions: The number of free sessions available during the specified time frame. 
    • Valid from - Valid to: The time frame during which free sessions will be checked and applied.
    • Exclude weekend: Select this option if Saturday and Sunday should not be counted in the configuration.
    • Exclude public holiday: Select this option if public holidays should not be counted in the configuration.
    • Exclude school holiday: Select this option if school holidays should not be counted in the configuration.
    • free travel form screenshot
  • Select the Save button to save the configuration.


45 Min Free Window configuration as in below illustration: smartcard holder will receive 2 free sessions if they travel from 7am to 7pm and each free session lasts 45 minutes.

free sessions configuration example screenshot

  • These configurations can be applied to smartcard profiles individually following these steps: 
    • Edit the smartcard you wish to associate with this configuration. 
    • Select the pen icon located at the top right corner of the Smartcard Detail section. 
    • Choose the configuration name from Free Travel drop down list in the Smartcard Configuration area. 
    • Select the Save Changes button to apply the update. 
  • To apply the configuration(s) to multiple smartcards, use Bulk Update feature. 
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