Route revenue report

Route Revenue Report shows the total revenue and total pax for selected routes during a period shown.
  • This is available if your company has purchased the Route Revenue feature.
  • This is a standard feature for TMR Queensland School Ticketing.
  • This is a standard feature for TMR Queensland School Ticketing.
  • Login to Transportme™ or QST operator portal.
  • Select Reports tab on the main menu. 
  • Select Route Revenue Report tab on the side menu.

route revenue report

  • Filter data: 
    • Include Historical Data: select the option to be able to search data from deleted data.
    • Include No Fare ticket: select the option to include no fare smartcard, term fare smartcard, and $0 paid ticket to the total sale. Note: select i icon for more explanation about this option. 
    • All Route: deselect the option to be able to filter data by Route Category and specific Routes of selected route category.
    • Date Range-From and Date Range-To: select the duration that the report will be generated. Note: the reporting period is limited to 60 days included the searched dates.
    • Select Generate button to show the report. 
    • Select Export CSV button (optional) to export the report to CSV file.
  • Report result: 
    • Locate the record(s) you wanted to focus by using Search box. 
    • Select different options to save the report
      • Copy: save the report to the clipboard then you can paste the data to your document or spreadsheet, etc. 
      • CSV/Excel: export the data to corresponding format to your local storage for further use. 
      • Print: print out the data or save the data as PDF format. 
    • Sort data by selecting up/down arrow button on the right of each column header.  
    • Slide the bottom scroll bar to see all the data of the report. 

report screenshot

  • Example of how to read the report of the above screenshots: 
    • This report only shows the result from all the routes of selected route category - QC Category from 17/10/2022 to18/10/2022. 
    • The record of QC Default Route 1 route: from 17/10 to 18/10/2022, this route earned $43.40 in revenue and had 17 passengers on board in total. On 17/10, there was no passenger on board and earn $0. On 18/10, there were 17 passenger on board with $43.40 in revenue. 
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