Set up geofence range

A Geofence is a virtual boundary around the Stop. It acts as an identifier for when a vehicle enters its radius. When the vehicle enters the Geofence of a Stop the system knows the bus has reached its stop.
  • Login to Transportme™ or QST or TfNSW operator portal.
  • Select Settings tab on the top menu.
  • Select Geofence Range on the side menu. 
  • Note - a range will have to be entered for both settings.
  • Set up the geofence range: 
    • Geofence range for changing stop (meter): when the bus arrives at geofence of a stop, the Driver app’s current stop will be changed to that stop. 
    • Geofence range for alerting message (meter): when the bus arrives at this geofence of a stop, the alert of upcoming deboarding passengers list at that stop will be shown on the Driver app.
  • As a guide, most operators sit between 50 - 100 metres. 
  • Select Save button to update the changes.


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