Configure ticket sell mode

This is available if your company has paid for the Zones to Zone Ticket feature.
  • Login to Transportme™ or QST or TfNSW Operator portal.
  • Select Settings tab on the main menu.
  • Select Ticket Sell Mode on the side menu. 

  • Select the Ticket Sell Mode option and Zone Definition Source option
    • Ticket Sell Mode
      • Between any Stops in system: Ticket can be sold between any stops in the system. All stops of system are listed in the zone as defined according to Zone Definition Source. 
      • Between Stops of active Route: Tickets can be sold between stops along the selected route. On the trip screen, only the stops of the route are listed, and their zones are defined based on the "Zone Definition Source." When this option is selected, the "Stop Selection Mode" section is not displayed.
    • Stop Selection Mode: 
      • Select Zone then Stops: The driver app displays stops under its associated zone. The driver needs to select Zone then select stop belongs to that zone. 
      • Select Stop directly: Zones will not be displayed on the driver app. The driver can select any stop within the system without needing to be aware of the zone references. However, at the backend, zone-to-zone calculation is used to determine ticket prices based on the selected stops in the driver app. When this option is selected, the only available choice in the "Zone Definition Source" is "Stop List."
      • Must select transfer Stop: If selected, the driver will be prompted to select a transfer (de-boarding stop) when selling a ticket to a stop not on the current route the passenger will be de-boarded at the selected transfer stop.

    • Zone Definition Source: There are two places to define the zone of a stop. 
      • Stop List: select this option will enable the ability to define zone for stops in the stop list. Select Stops tab on the main menu to see this setting. 

      stop list screenshot

      • Route Stop List: select this option will enable the ability to define zone for stops in the route stop list. Select Routes tab on the main menu > locate the route you wish to update using the Search box > select Stops tab > select pen icon to be able to update the zone of stop of the route > update the zone of stops > select the green tick icon to apply the changes. 

      route stop list screenshot


  • This configuration will be overwritten if the route set up has "Use Route's Section Travel Chart" checked.
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