Term fare smartcard

What is Term Fare?

The Smartcard holder will pay $ value for a fare for either a set number of weeks or trips. 

How a term fare smartcard work? 

A term fare smartcard is valid with the following conditions: 

  1. The balance of term fare smartcard is greater than or equal the defined term fare amount. 
  2. The term fare smartcard is used before its expiry date. 
  3. The term fare smartcard can passed its configured validation: 
    1. Term fare validate by Expiry Date: The smartcard is valid to travel depends on its Expiry Date. 
    2. Term fare validate by Available Trips: the number of available trips are positive. With every successful trip, the number of trips will be reduced accordingly. 

How a term fare smartcard's balance is adjusted after each used? 

The smartcard is allowed to travel without changing the balance until the expiry date (only valid before or on the expiry date). 

How to adjust the term fare smartcard's balance when it is expired? 

  • Automatically: You can select the option "Zero balance when a Term fare card expires" under Smartcard Balance in Smartcard Setting page to allow the system to set the term fare smartcard's balance to zero when the smartcard is expired (after expiry date). This can be done at the Smartcard Setting page. 

zero balance screenshot

  • Manually: You can set the Term fare smartcard's balance to zero when the smartcard is expired using Manual Transaction.

Reference steps to define a term fare smartcard 

  • Configure a term fare smartcard under Smartcard Detail section of the Smartcards Edit page when registering new smartcard or can do it later by editing a smartcard.
    • Define Card Type is Term Fare
    • Define Expiry Date: the smartcard is valid to travel before this date.
    • Define Term Fare Fund Amount: the smartcard is valid to travel if its balance is greater than or equal this fund amount. 
    • Define Term fare validate by 
      • Expiry date: the smartcard is valid to travel depends on its defined Expiry Date.

      • Available Trips: provide number of Term Fare Available Trips. The smartcard is valid to travel if the number of Term Fare Available Trips is positive and before the defined Expiry Date. With every successful trip, the number of trips will be reduced accordingly. 

  • Adjust the term fare smartcard's balance when the smartcard is expired automatically or manually as mentioned above.  
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